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Merry Christmas!

Carry Your Faith

Catholic iPhone Apps Spoof


Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure!

FREE, week-long Catholic vacation Bible school online. Check it out!
at Holy Heroes

Fr. Robert Reed and Dr. Melanie Morey discuss the role of lay leaders in the parish

From Catholic TV
Lay Leaders in the Parish

Benedict XVI: Christians promote dialogue

Christians, work for peace, justice and reconciliation

Happy Mothers Day-May 10

Holy Hero Lenten Adventure for Kids

Easy for Mom and Dad...Child will get 3 emails weekly with Lenten activities and videos to watch. Sign up free today!
Free Lenten Adventure by Holy Hero's website

New Blog- Catholic Cuisine!

Recipes for Celebrating the Feasts
and Seasons of the Liturgical Year


Fr Greg Friedman - Lent

Also Check out:Father Greg Friedman - What Are Catholics Doing for Lent?

Get Ready for SAINT Valentine's Day

Get Ready for SAINT Valentine’s Day

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Somos la Iglesia Catolica-We are the Catholic Church

Catholic Digital Studio-Check it out!

Online Catholic Library has links to free e-books and to other excellent Catholic websites, listed under such topics as: Bibles and Bible studies, Catechesis, Theology, Church History, Church Councils, Spirituality, Saints Biographies, Catholic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, the Writings of Vic Scaravilli and the Children's Corner. Check it out!

Catholic Digital Studio (click here)


How to pray the Rosary Video


Easy Widget that you can add to your website for saying the Rosary with prayers and mysteries(click here)...
An interactive Rosary online Rosary that is a link: (click here)...

January 25-31, 2009

The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2009 celebrates Catholic schools and community service. Catholic Schools Week is celebrated nationally the last week in January, this year Jan. 25-31. The logo for the observance shows the words “Celebrate Service” and hands reaching out and surrounding a globe. The “t” in the word celebrate is formed as a cross.
Catholic School Week Link

In Defense of Marriage

Watch the Video-Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville
(Click Here)

Rachels Vineyard

Reflection Music Video

Please pray for those suffering loss of a child in an abortion. :

January 22

January 22 is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. This is a day of Penance for the U.S. church. Please pray and work to end abortion.

American Catholic - Respect Life

January 18-25 Christian Unity Week

American Catholic - Christian Unity

National Vocation Awareness Week

to be Celebrated January 11-17

Fishers of men